Tag: story

  • This Dog Ate My Brain

    Saint Paul

    When I was 12 the neighbor’s dog bit my brother.

    We never had a dog of our own.

    Goldfish, yes. A cat. A parakeet. A skink. A snake. Even a “grow a frog” that escaped its water tank… and a week later, hopped across the kitchen floor.

    So I was never much of a dog person.

    In fact I told myself I was afraid of them. The dog bite and all, you understand.

    And any time I saw a dog, this fear consumed my brain.

    But years ago I decided that was silly.

    So I simply reprogrammed my brain.

  • Growing Up Halbert (Persuasion Play Podcast #14)

    Tuesday, Dec 31
    Someplace East of the Mississippi

    Gary Halbert was a well-known direct response copywriter, considered by many to be the best in the business. Ever.

    In this wide-ranging interview with Gary’s son Kevin Halbert, you’ll hear insightful moments from Kevin’s life, including stories about Gary’s temper… the effort Gary put into his promotions… Kevin’s addition to the famous AIDA formula… and more:

  • My Cheap Brother Brought Me a Hot Chicken Dinner.

    2:49pm Friday
    Saint Paul

    I’ve been swamped the last two weeks, in a good way.

    I started writing Facebook ads with a new client and it’s been a lot of fun.

    One hook I wrote has me laughing maniacally and I’m not sure why. But it’s definitely not a hook that’s used in this market… or maybe anywhere:

  • Tips to Persuade People (who don’t want to listen)

    8:34am Wednesday
    Saint Paul

    Someone asked:

    > What are some strategies for persuading someone
    > with differing opinions who is not open to listening
    > to our perspective?

    Before you can persuade someone, which should be to their benefit (otherwise it’s manipulation), he or she must have an open mind. If you can’t get there, nothing will work.

    *|FNAME|*, persuading people is not easy. You have to set up a situation where they’re willing to question their own entrenched ideas, which means they may come to the conclusion that they’ve been wrong about this idea for however long.

    And—as no one wants to be wrong, possibly shifting their entire world view—they’d rather fight than see the light.

    So you can’t persuade them as much as you can give them the opportunity and ideas to persuade themselves.

    Now, to open someone’s mind to a new way to see the world, you have a few options…

  • The Secret of the “Secret of the One-Legged Golfer” Headline

    Hastings Minn


    I’m out to hit the links in about an hour.

    First time this season, which is a shame—the weather’s been perfect and I’ve missed a lot of great opportunities.

    No worries. I’m not a good golfer anyway.

    Hey are you familiar with John Carlton’s headline:

    “The Secret of the One Legged Golfer”

  • ChatGPT: rate my copy! (Update to Death Squeal story…)

    Saint Paul

    Do you know of John Forde? He’s a direct response copywriter and author, including co-author of “Great Leads.”

    Today John emailed a ChatGPT prompt to direct the AI tool to rate your copy on the four U’s: Urgency, Uniqueness, Usefulness, and Ultra-specificity.

    (I’ve added a 5th U: YOU, the reader—make sure your copy addresses your reader! Anyways…)

  • 7 things you’ll learn in Dan Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Sales Letter”


    Saint Paul

    I was browsing my bookshelf the other night, looking for something to start.

    (I have more unfinished books than I have fully-read books. Not every book is worth finishing, I’ve learned… though many I plan to return to… I think…)

    Now, I noticed my slightly neglected Dan Kennedy section. Dan is a prolific and accomplished copywriter and businessman who has recently fallen ill.

    I pulled down my worn copy of The Ultimate Sales Letter and (more…)

  • Freelance Growth with John Bejakovic (Persuasion Play Podcast 011)

    Are you an opportunity seeker… looking to make money online… living an independent life without a proper job?

    (Aren’t we all?)

    Before he was a copywriter, John Bejakovic wrote for the Motley Fool and published his own books on Amazon.

    And books like the 4 Hour Work Week spoke to his interest in granting him freedom.

    Then, in 2015 John stumbled into Email Copywriting.

    He started his copywriting career writing a 7-email funnel for only $5.

    Fast forward to today…

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "CL Society 218: Crossing arms" by  Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Haters. Gotta love ’em. Photo “CL Society 218: Crossing arms” by
    Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #story #socialcapital #haters #hierarchy #status #evil #frame


  • Program your Brain


    Saint Paul


    It’s snowing here in Saint Paul.

    I used to hate the snow, hate the winter.

    And I made sure everyone knew of my misery.

    See, I’m kinda always cold.

    And while I’m not exactly Mr. Universe, I get plenty of comments that I should add some fat to my bones.

    Poor advise from an old joke.

    My kids pulling one another in this Winter Wonderland!
    My kids pulling one another in this Winter Wonderland!

    What I did instead was change my mindset. (more…)