10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Headlines (Starting Now!)

Your copy is only as good as the headline that gets the reader down the page.

That’s why David Ogilvy said 80% of your time should be spent on the headline.

It carries 80% of the weight. If they don’t read the headline, they’re not gonna read the body copy.

Here are a few ideas for your next Headline.

Hey You:

Mention the prospect by profession, hobby, or other identifier. Or even You/Your grabs attention better than nothing

“10 Ways You Can…”

News Interest:

Mention an interest that has a Newsworthy quality

“20% Off Today Only”

“Your Favorite Shirts, Back In Stock”

Hit upon the “5 U’s”

1. Useful = reader gets valuable info

2. Urgency = scarcity

3. Unique = different from what she’s seen

4. Ultraspecific = talks directly to her

(wait I thought it was “the 4 U’s”?)

5. Yeah the 5th is You – we covered that

Get as many U’s as you can in the headline and opening copy

“10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Headlines (Starting Now!)” is Useful, Urgent, Ultraspecific, and talks to You. Not very Unique — that’s ok.


Do you have an expert that you can point to?

“Has This Doctor Cured Cancer?”


Create an Open Loop with a question that the reader wants to resolve

“Has This Doctor Cured Cancer?”

Twist the Logic

Reframe your headline in a way that makes people wonder. This is a spin on Curiosity.

“Now You Can Make $4k Without A Single Ounce of Effort!”

“The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches” (Joe Karbo book title)

Above all — talk about the PROSPECT and her INTERESTS & PROBLEMS

Then in your body copy…

1. Immediately continue with the thought that the headline started

2. Agitate her problems

3. Offer your Unique Solution — backed with benefit-focused bullet points and product proof

4. Share some Buyer Testimonials

5. Give a great Guarantee to reduce risk

6. Close with a Solid CTA

and wrap it up with a

7. PS. that summarizes your strongest points and hits again on any urgency to your offer.