Three hypnotic phrases I’m trying out tonight

Saint Paul

Tonight’s the school carnival.

You’ll find me working at the Can Crush booth along Game Row.

My goal for tonight?

I chose three cards from my Hypnotic Language card deck. Tonight I’ll be using these phrases as often as I can, if only to see how I can squeeze them into the conversation with elementary school kids:

“The more you ___, the more you ___.”

“In a moment, ___”


“It’s as if ___”

Will I get the players to play my Can Crush game again?

Could these phrases help the kids improve their performance?

Might I convince a few of them to grab me a brat from the food truck?

In a moment I’ll head up there and start to gather “data.” It’s as if this is useful… but it isn’t. Not really.

But I do know this:

The more you put ideas out there, the more traction you get.

The more energy you put into the world, the more energy you get back.

And the more you email with personal stories, the more you connect with your audience.