Tag: marketing

  • Give Me One Reason!

    9:46am Tuesday

    This morning I read a Sweepstakes Letter from the Publishers Clearing House.

    With a no-obligation entry I have a chance at winning $7,000 per week for life.

    That’s a lot of money!

    The letter spent no time trying to be clever or discussing something that couldn’t tie into the benefits of their promotion.

    To Persuade, You Have To Enter Their World

    Do you remember most brands behind your favorite commercials?

  • 5 Tech Tips for Email Rock Solid Delivery

    Saint Paul

    Today I wanted to share some tech tips for better email delivery on MailChimp (what I use) or any other way you send an email from your own domain.

    If you’re in business and you’re not following these rules, your email delivery will suffer.

    As a result, you’ll lose customer communication, and with it… sales.

    What score do your marketing emails receive?

    These are the rules that govern the internet, young one, so pay attention.

  • Freelance Marketing with Dennis Demori (Persuasion Play Podcast 009)

    If you’re into the freelance copywriting and direct response marketing world on Twitter, one name comes up again and again:

    Dennis Demori

    Freelance marketer Dennis Demori

    Dennis is a freelance marketer who focuses his business on email marketing, while dominating the social media scene with his advice for marketers and beginning freelancers.

  • Divided We Fall


    Saint Paul

    Late last night I wrote about the divisions we see around us.

    People are hurting, people are pointing fingers, people are acting and reacting and ratcheting up their responses.

    My city, and others, are being destroyed because we’re being divided. Divided by labels, instilled through fear of Us vs Them.

  • Free Report for Improved Marketing in 2020

    I’ve released a new report for my subscribers to help with marketing your services and products.

    Inside Marketing Secrets for Explosive Growth in 2020” covers some of the most important, and ignored, advice on marketing.

    Advice known to old-school experts.

    Advice ignored by the current advertising giants and their wanna-bes.

  • How to Run a Hypnotic Webinar

    If you want this free doo-hickey,
    type Yes into the chat box now!

    Saint Paul, MN

    Tonight I watched a bit of Mark Joyner’s webinar for building wealth in 2020. Joyner is a pioneer in online marketing and wrote the book MindControlMarketing.com (you can read the PRL review here).

    I like to attend these to learn what they offer… and to gain a few gems of wisdom.

    Photo “goodbye” by frankieleon, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Stories captivate our imagination and help to pass along important lessons and information.
    What changes can you make —what demons can you slay— to increase your effectiveness and drive?

    #thinking #memory #pornography #marketing #peak-end-rule #confirmation-bias


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "001102" by my new favorite photographer Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    What you focus on assumes increased importance: Focusing Illusion. Photo “001102” by my new favorite photographer
    Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #desire #focusingillusion #reactance #enemy #choices #marketing #indoctrination #sales #motivation #socialproof #authority #Ikea #blame #mimeticconflict #status #confirmationbias


  • Marketing Adventures with Drayton Bird
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 008)

    Today on the Persuasion Play Podcast, episode 008…

    I welcome a very special guest, Mr. Drayton Bird!

    Who is Drayton Bird?

    Drayton Bird is an old-school direct marketer and advertiser. He worked along side fellow greats such as Eugene Schwartz and David Ogilvy, who famously claimed that… (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Computer Guys" by Chris Sit, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    An all-night cram session isn’t your best tool to learn… “Computer Guys” by Chris Sit, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #sleep #crime #marketing #sugar #copywriting #habit #success

