Tag: authority

  • My Mega-Church Sunday Visit

    Saint Paul

    “Can you drive?”

    It’s a Sunday morning and I’m just arriving at my cousin’s house.

    “Yeah,” I say. “Hop in!”

    See, my cousin had come over the previous Friday to watch the Olympics opening ceremony.

    And she invited me to join her at a church service where she and her daughters had been attending.

    All I could think is: Religions know how to persuade. Market Research!

  • ChatGPT: rate my copy! (Update to Death Squeal story…)

    Saint Paul

    Do you know of John Forde? He’s a direct response copywriter and author, including co-author of “Great Leads.”

    Today John emailed a ChatGPT prompt to direct the AI tool to rate your copy on the four U’s: Urgency, Uniqueness, Usefulness, and Ultra-specificity.

    (I’ve added a 5th U: YOU, the reader—make sure your copy addresses your reader! Anyways…)

  • 7 things you’ll learn in Dan Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Sales Letter”


    Saint Paul

    I was browsing my bookshelf the other night, looking for something to start.

    (I have more unfinished books than I have fully-read books. Not every book is worth finishing, I’ve learned… though many I plan to return to… I think…)

    Now, I noticed my slightly neglected Dan Kennedy section. Dan is a prolific and accomplished copywriter and businessman who has recently fallen ill.

    I pulled down my worn copy of The Ultimate Sales Letter and (more…)

  • 10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Headlines (Starting Now!)

    Your copy is only as good as the headline that gets the reader down the page.

    That’s why David Ogilvy said 80% of your time should be spent on the headline.

    It carries 80% of the weight. If they don’t read the headline, they’re not gonna read the body copy.

    Here are a few ideas for your next Headline.

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "001102" by my new favorite photographer Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    What you focus on assumes increased importance: Focusing Illusion. Photo “001102” by my new favorite photographer
    Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #desire #focusingillusion #reactance #enemy #choices #marketing #indoctrination #sales #motivation #socialproof #authority #Ikea #blame #mimeticconflict #status #confirmationbias


  • This German restaurant advert could be so much… besser


    Saint Paul, MN


    Yesterday I mentioned that burger joint’s weaksauce newspaper ad. It could be so much better.

    Well it’s pretty early, but I had it on the brain all last night. I thought I’d write some more about the advert.


  • The Failure of Science

    Saint Paul, MN

    Reader, this weekend I met with a PRL subscriber to discuss marketing emails that I am writing for his business.

    Yep, my first paid copywriting gig!

    We bounced around with other conversation topics as well, including my wife’s newfound interest in Reiki energy healing.

    <cue eye-roll>

    My friends asked what I thought of Energy Healing, a topic that’s looked down upon by science and society as being unconfirmed.

    My answer? (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week


    "Robots" by Jeffrey Thomas, 2018
    “Robots” by Jeffrey Thomas, 2018

    #authority #computers #robots #reality #quantumphysics #nudge


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Image "distant distance" by Rennett Stowe, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Two sides to every story… Image “distant distance” by Rennett Stowe, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #names #truth #sociamedia #authority


  • Why People Say NO to Your Good Ideas

    People are a suspicious lot, aren’t they?

    If you offer to carry someone’s groceries through a parking lot, they’d refuse.

    Offer to exchange money with someone, your $20 for their $10 in a clear win for the other person… they’d refuse.

    Photo "CL Society 218: Crossing arms" by Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Photo “CL Society 218: Crossing arms” by
    Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    Both situations are unusual, out-of-the-ordinary.

    Humans like what’s known, what’s comfortable. Anything different from the status quo is…

    suspicious! (more…)