sorry… could you be more specific?

Saint Paul

“Take what you have… and expand it. Make it more. More specific. More examples.

“Use it to position yourself as an expert.”

I was chatting with a fellow marketer, Joshua Lisec, a week or two back. I asked him what I could do with my book, Inside Marketing Secrets.

“Take out the stuff about C-19,” he said. “That’s past. Make your book timeless. And then send it as a lead magnet.”

That’s great advice for you, too. Take anything you’ve written, polish it up for a specific industry, and use it as a lead magnet.

So that’s what I started to do…

But then… last night… as I was drifting to sleep…

I had a GREAT idea for a whole NEW book.

(Oh no.)

It kept me tossing and turning as I had more and more ideas.

And I started on THAT just this morning.

If you’re a marketer or seller… this new book will (also) be valuable. When it’s done, of course.

Meanwhile… Inside Marketing Secrets is still available on Amazon until the rewrite is complete… at which point it’ll go away completely and the newer, more industry-specific version will be available.

At a higher price, of course.

And at this time, I’m not ready to share what industry that is.

If you’ve been reading a while maybe you can guess.

Now, Inside Marketing Secrets is currently at #25,107 in “Small Business Books.”

So it’s definitely still a secret lol.

And it is small—they have that part right—and it’s got great, actionable steps to improve your business marketing and copywriting.

But it won’t be up forever. So if you want a rare copy, you’ll find it here: