
  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Use words to engage, absorb tension via empathy, and de-escalate a situation.
    Check out this body language: is this a crazy person? or only someone who is acting crazy? Identity can defeat our attempts to improve.

    #hypnosis #rapport #bodylanguage #identity #selfimprovement


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    What more can you see if you look outside of your experiences? Photo "Addis Ababa #5" by Thomas Leuthard, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    What identities do you restrict yourself with?Photo “Addis Ababa #5” by Thomas Leuthard, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #identity #security #socialengineering #positivity


  • Kevin Hart’s Guide To Complaining

    This chair is Ass.

    Saint Paul

    Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for work, I listened to a bit of the Joe Rogan podcast with comedian Kevin Hart.

    Kevin is hilarious. His new Netflix special “Irresponsible” is great (unlike the dirty and actually irresponsible stand-up special by a pregnant comedian whom I shall not name.)

    Now, on Rogan’s podcast, Kevin talks about surrounding yourself with positivity.

    It’s so easy to complain, he says: (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Stories captivate our imagination and help to pass along important lessons and information.
    Stories captivate our imagination and help to pass along important lessons and information.

    #willpower #audience #persuasion #stories


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Brain" by wyinoue, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Getting people on the same brain wavelength is essential to connect and persuade. “Brain” by wyinoue, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #brains #magic #communication #mood #nudge #focus


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Image by Arallyn, Flickr, By-CC-2.0
    Image by Arallyn, Flickr, By-CC-2.0

    #hypnosis #reality #illusion #persuasion #neuroscience #bodylanguage


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Maths! Photo "Amherst63-012" by NealeA, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Maths! Photo “Amherst63-012” by NealeA, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #science #benefits #identity #sales #ego #religion


  • What is your label doing for you?

    Confirmation bias, straight ahead!

    Saint Paul, MN

    Be careful what you wish for…

    the saying goes…

    you just might get it.

    Our brains have an excellent ability to find examples in the world to confirm our theories and prove that we’re right… even about our selves.

    This is confirmation bias— the phenomenon that new information confirms what we already ‘know.’ (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "goodbye" by frankieleon, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Photo “goodbye” by frankieleon, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #time #timemanagement #psychology #manipulation #technology (more…)

  • Can you measure Deep Thoughts?


    Saint Paul


    Oy, what’s the good word?

    I’m getting a late start today, and –I know– I missed emailing you on Saturday. No excuses.

    On Saturday night we watched the film, Crazy Rich Asians. It was much better than most rom-coms out there. Going into it, the most I knew was about a single scene where some fancy watch was flown around the world for the filming.

    Watches. What can I say, Google Now knows what I like.

    (Actually it’s pretty bad — I get too many stories about Super Hero shows and movies! I can’t tell GNow often enough that I’m not interested in whatever super hero film of the week)

    Anyway, during the Crazy Rich Asians movie, of course my kids wake up and call out for water and all that. While my lovely lady was helping them, I took the opportunity to record a video for you.
