Category: Opinion

  • sorry… could you be more specific?

    Saint Paul

    “Take what you have… and expand it. Make it more. More specific. More examples.

    “Use it to position yourself as an expert.”

    I was chatting with a fellow marketer, Joshua Lisec, a week or two back. I asked him what I could do with my book, Inside Marketing Secrets.

    “Take out the stuff about C-19,” he said. “That’s past. Make your book timeless. And then send it as a lead magnet.”

    That’s great advice for you, too. Take anything you’ve written, polish it up for a specific industry, and use it as a lead magnet.

  • How to SOLVE your lack of sales (it’s not ALWAYS with better copy!)

    Saint Paul

    Ever have a promotion that went well

    But not quite as well as you expected?

    Maybe it was the audience… didn’t like the offer.

    Maybe it was the offer… not valuable enough.

    Maybe it was the copy… not compelling action.

    There’s an idea in direct response marketing that:

  • ChatGPT ate his lunch

    Saint Paul

    “Hmm. That’s pretty good,” the embarrassed webinar host said.

    He was selling his copywriting course as a way to beat AI.

    And to show off, he asked his partner to demo using ChatGPT to write an email.

  • Why “experts” have skewed your idea of successful marketing

    Saint Paul

    I have tattoos.

    They’re leftovers from my younger years.

    And now… as my kids are growing… I wish I didn’t have them. Because my tats give my kids a reason to—someday—mar their own beautiful skin.

    They’re not my only shortcoming, I know.

  • Digging for Denny Hatch’s Gold

    A few years ago, I wrote to Direct Response Copywriter Denny Hatch.

    He wrote the book “Secrets of Emotional, Hotbutton Copywriting” (summary here) and I was trying to get a copy.

    Denny told me that he’s got a guy working to get it republished.

    I checked in with Denny again last month. I asked if he was open to record a podcast.

    You know, dig for a little gold, here in the Goldmine.

    Denny responded:

  • Mario Kart Spoils Everything

    Monday, May 1

    “I’m terrible! I’m horrible!”

    My son was already in a bad mood.

    I wouldn’t let him use the 120-volt outlet to build a cardboard and tin-foil lamp for his bed. (The repurposed-LED-flashlight solution wasn’t powerful enough for him).

    And after he settled down and read a book, we went to play a little Mario Kart.

  • What’s on your To-Do List?


    Saint Paul

    What’s your To-Do list looking like today?

    I ask because this past weekend I started reading “The Ultimate Sales Machine” by Chet Holmes.

    In this book, Holmes advises making lists of your To-Dos. Limiting it to six items or fewer. And tackling the hardest one first in the morning.

  • Unpaid Invoice


    Saint Paul

    Today’s lesson: get paid up front.

    See, I have a client with an unpaid invoice for work I’ve done.

    The last time this happened—10 or 12 months ago—the client ghosted me.

  • 7 things you’ll learn in Dan Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Sales Letter”


    Saint Paul

    I was browsing my bookshelf the other night, looking for something to start.

    (I have more unfinished books than I have fully-read books. Not every book is worth finishing, I’ve learned… though many I plan to return to… I think…)

    Now, I noticed my slightly neglected Dan Kennedy section. Dan is a prolific and accomplished copywriter and businessman who has recently fallen ill.

    I pulled down my worn copy of The Ultimate Sales Letter and (more…)

  • Authentic Marketing with Jim Clair (Persuasion Play Podcast 012)

    Jim Clair is a direct response copywriter who spent years in the relationship and health niches, among others.

    But after a few years Jim started to realize that something was severely scammy in the direct response marketing world.

    So he quit!

    Join Jim and I for this fascinating peek behind the curtain of internet gurus, direct response, motivational authors, getting more out of your reading time, and more.

    Jim and I talk about…
