What’s the highest ROI activity in business?

12:09pm Monday
Saint Paul

I’m not going to make you wait for the answer.

Marketing is the highest ROI activity you can do in business.

A business’ customers only have so much money.

They only have so many hours in a day.

And their market only has so many buyers.

So if that business relies on space advertising, aka brand advertising, to put their name in front of prospects…

And fail to give them a reason to buy from that business…

They’re missing out on the opportunity to serve customers.

Unless your brand is a cultural phenomenon—think Coca-Cola or Nike—this type of advertising is a waste of time, money, and resources.

Marketing is the highest ROI activity you can do in business.

Yet many businesses fail to market well, or even market at all.

And when they copy Coca-Cola’s approach and don’t understand why it failed…

They often give up on marketing all together.

Too bad, because with the right approach… and some testing… they could bring in new customers and keep old customers coming back.

Because, once again:

Marketing is the highest ROI activity you can do in business.

I’ve tried reaching out to local businesses who I think could do better.

And I quickly realized:

If they’re not already making money with marketing, they’re not about to start.

So, just as any business only has so many buyers in their market…

Us direct response marketers only have so many buyers of our services, too.

Luckily, more companies are waking up to the benefits of selling in print.

Which means, there are always new opportunities out there.

If you want help selling your offers, reply now and I can put you on a waiting list.

My plate is full, and that’s the best I can offer today.
