What’s on your To-Do List?


Saint Paul

What’s your To-Do list looking like today?

I ask because this past weekend I started reading “The Ultimate Sales Machine” by Chet Holmes.

In this book, Holmes advises making lists of your To-Dos. Limiting it to six items or fewer. And tackling the hardest one first in the morning.

Similar idea to Mark Twain’s quote (I paraphrase),

“If you have to eat a frog, eat it early in the morning. And if you have to eat two frogs—start with the bigger one.”

I’ve been into lists for a long time. Ever since I was a kid, when I read a book by Jimmy Buffet (the musician) where a pilot speaks his takeoff checklist aloud top make sure nothing is overlooked.

Holmes also advises having “pigheaded discipline” to get your list done.

Which brings me to my email list.

For years I wrote nearly daily emails (weekdays, that is).

But then life got in the way. I got in my own way.

I didn’t have the pigheaded discipline to write an email as often as I should.

“I’m writing for clients,” I would tell myself. “That’s enough!”

But… it’s not.

My book writing has slowed. My list outreach has lessened. No bueno.

So writing to the list has again taken a top priority on my daily To-Do list.

Because I like to write. (Which is why at least one client hired me—he said he hated writing. Fair enough!)

I like to share ideas… even if my readers don’t always agree with me.

It’s how I keep the convo going.

Your turn.

What’s on your To-Do list today?

And will you attack it with pigheaded discipline?