Vibrational Health Care.

9:17pm Thursday
Saint Paul, Minn

Earlier this week, my wife and two kids all wrapped up their second round of antibiotics for their second round of ear infections and strep throat. We’re stuck inside and the sickness has gone around and around…

and I’ve managed to stay healthy!

Is it because…

I have a higher rate of vibration, possibly due to positive thinking and self talk?

Scoff away. I know plenty of people who do.

I honestly think my mental attitude is a huge driver in my general health. I tell myself and others I never get sick (although I do every few years, but it’s rare, and I try to ignore it and forget it ever happened).

How much of your health is driven by your subconscious, by your attitudes, by your attempts to bring yourself in a higher alignment with God and the vibrations of the universe itself?

You might be be surprised to know it’s quite a bit!

The universe is alive with energy, waves of energy that travels and resonates differently with the minerals and metals and molecules of the universe.

That includes you and I, vibrating away at a cellular level, an atomic level even, our energetic nervous system transmitting information around our bodies.

Our “dis-ease” puts our bodies in a lower state of vibration, a slow-down that (when taken to extremes) approaches… or becomes… non-life.

AKA Death.

Now as you know, our brains create our reality, including our ability to fight and survive… to keep our spirits high and vibrations active… or to choose to not fight, to not survive any longer.

The placebo effect is exactly this: our bodies healing themselves in response to an outside ‘useless’ stimulation, in ways we don’t understand, flying in the face of reasonable evidence of cause and effect and our belief that we humans “know” things.

Placebos trigger our brains to create new patterns of energy, sending new messages to our bodily functions. They’re the ‘fake because’ that gives us reason to believe in a new direction, and that belief builds the future that wasn’t there before.

So that’s the long story of why I’m not sick in this petri-dish house, possibly.

Anyways… I am reworking my site to continue building my copywriting gig. The site is up now and under ongoing construction.

If you’re unsure how everything is going to play out in your future, know that it’ll play out for the best…

so long as you’re playing towards that outcome you want.

We can’t control much in this universe… and we’re right about even less… but the things we can control determine the dominoes of our future.

If your future revolves around written marketing and persuading your clients, hit me up. I’m here for you,


PS I am not a medical professional. My lifestyle should not be seen as medical advice, but general life advice.