This mis-titled doc is full of GOLD

2:16pm Friday, March 29
Saint Paul

I just finished watching a YouTube video about a vintage Soviet camera lens. (The Helios 40, if you’re curious.)

That was after a handful of other videos on camera lenses.

Which was after reading an article on the baseball and the invention of the curveball.

Which was after a client meeting.

And then I added all these things to a running Google Doc mis-titled, “Things I’ve Read,” right above an article on the great teacup pig scam of 2016.

I call this all… work.

Not because I’m producing anything.

But because I’m feeding my brain with things I find interesting. Things that I can maybe use in a future promotion. Things that pull my thoughts away from the copy I’m writing, so my subconscious can grind along in the background.

Don’t believe the hype that you have to be working all the time.

You don’t. And you shouldn’t.

And when your brain full of ideas makes a connection that might be helpful in your work, your list of Things You’ve Read is there to help you find the source, so you can dig out a bit more gold, should you need it.

Tell me—what are you reading? Send links.
