Tag: repetition

  • …and THAT’s why Carthage must fall!

    Saint Paul

    Here’s a 2,171-year-old marketing fact about today, February 5:

    Feb 5 was the end of the third Punic war in 146 BC, marking the destruction of the city-state Carthage by the city-state Rome.

    Why did Rome destroy Carthage?

    And what’s this have to do with marketing?

  • The “Karate Kid” Method to Music Mastery

    My daughter has started violin lessons following the Suzuki Method.

    After one week of classes… after every practice session… she decided she’s ready to give up.

    As a parent, this is incredibly frustrating: of course I want my child to develop grit!

    The Suzuki method was developed by Shin’ichi Suzuki in the 1940s and later, and documented in his book, Nurtured by Love.

    The Suzuki Method focuses on baby steps, frequent positive feedback, and fun.

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Is vegan food helping your health? “Mmmmm, Burgers!” by m01229, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #food #eyes #bodylanguage #repetition #politics #influence #languages #learning

  • “Obvious Adams” by Robert Updegraff (Persuasion Play Podcast 003)

    I started the persuasion and marketing book reviews on PersuasionReadingList.com (now Goldmine.Marketing) in 2016. The first was My Life in Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins, a classic written in 1927.

    Since then, I’ve summarized my favorite lessons from dozens of books — and I have dozens of other marketing, copywriting, and persuasion books on my shelf that I’ve read but not written about.

    Can you justify such behavior? Image from Steve Martin's movie "The Jerk", 1979
    Image from Steve Martin’s movie “The Jerk”, 1979

    It’s been fun and educational on my end — and I hope on your end too!

    As I continue along my journey, learning about the forces that influence us and how we, in turn, can influence the world around us, I was bound to (more…)

  • 10 Things I Learned from “The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive” by Patrick Lencioni

    10 Things I Learned from “The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive” by Patrick Lencioni

    My interest in Persuasion and getting people moving, getting them working and improving, overlaps with business and leadership.

    I follow a number of successful entrepreneurs on Twitter. Many of them know that reality is flexible, that we create (and live by) our own limits.

    Image "Put your hands up in the air" by Thomas Leuthard, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “Put your hands up in the air” by Thomas Leuthard, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    Inspiring people to push past those self-inflicted limits is one view of Persuasion, and important for any self-starter like yourself.

    Another aspect of persuasion, especially in larger businesses, is change management. (more…)

  • “I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing”

    Not everyone is born a deal-maker, Trump warns us. Some people have the instincts, and some don’t. Even if someone has the instincts, they may never get off their couch to try something more ambitious. People are afraid to take chances and that holds them back.

    I think we can agree that Trump has been in business for a very long time. He probably knows a thing or two about deals.

    "Trump Tower" by Tripp, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Trump Tower” by Tripp, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    Chapter two of The Art of the Deal covers Trump’s approach to deal making.
