Persuasion Articles of the Week

Is vegan food helping your health? “Mmmmm, Burgers!” by m01229, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

#food #eyes #bodylanguage #repetition #politics #influence #languages #learning

To Read Someone’s Mind, Look into Their Eyes

Changes in pupil size can give insights to people’s mental processing.

Where Should You Sit?

Choosing the right place to sit has an impact in your influence.

How to Learn 30 Languages

Our mental ‘self’ changes with our experiences… and the language we use to express those experiences

The Illusory Truth Effect: Why We Believe Fake News, Conspiracy Theories and Propaganda

Repetition solidifies an idea which we’ll accept as truth.

You’re a Bad Listener: Here’s How to Remember What People Say

Your influence is related to your ability to connect with people and make them feel heard and respected. Put the phone away.

A Better Way to Look at Most Every Political Issue

Our ideas or opinions on a topic can be seen on a line; where do you fall on that line? We might be on one extreme or another, or we might be somewhere in the middle. Often times, whichever we happen to be, we see those disagreeing with us as being on the extremes.

Why vegan junk food may be even worse for your health

Don’t get sold on processed foods designed around a ‘diet.’ (By the way, you have the teeth and eyes of a predator for a reason.)