Could you make better decisions?
I think we all could.
Do you have a hard time deciding what to order at a restaurant?
Do you ever make the “wrong” decision and, looking back, feel that you “knew” it would turn out bad?
(more…)Could you make better decisions?
I think we all could.
Do you have a hard time deciding what to order at a restaurant?
Do you ever make the “wrong” decision and, looking back, feel that you “knew” it would turn out bad?
(more…)9:46am Tuesday
This morning I read a Sweepstakes Letter from the Publishers Clearing House.
With a no-obligation entry I have a chance at winning $7,000 per week for life.
That’s a lot of money!
The letter spent no time trying to be clever or discussing something that couldn’t tie into the benefits of their promotion.
Do you remember most brands behind your favorite commercials?
(more…)Almost any discussion breaks down when one side stops listening to the other side.
Which is to say, almost every discussion.
You have points that you want to make and obviously the other side doesn’t have their facts straight. Because if they did, they wouldn’t be on the other side.
(more…)My daughter is crying that her piano lessons make no sense. It’s been all of about a week, and she’s ready to give up.
Sharps, flats, finger positions, counting the beats. It’s difficult.
Instead she wants to learn violin.
“How will that be any easier?” I ask.
But she’s too frustrated to have a rational conversation, and has no experience with violin to give an answer.
(more…)If you want this free doo-hickey,
type Yes into the chat box now!
Saint Paul, MN
Tonight I watched a bit of Mark Joyner’s webinar for building wealth in 2020. Joyner is a pioneer in online marketing and wrote the book (you can read the PRL review here).
I like to attend these to learn what they offer… and to gain a few gems of wisdom.
Saint Paul
Yesterday we discussed how we can increase support and investment in our ideas and plans.
Check it out if you haven’t seen it:
Today we’re looking at the destructive power of the word Why: (more…)
#photography #video #bodylanguage #siliconevalley #confirmationbias #justification #memory #cognitivedissonance
“Why do you hate so-and-so, so much?” And he had answered them, with his shameless impudence, “I’ll tell you. He has done me no harm. But I played him a dirty trick, and ever since I have hated him.”
–Dostoyevsky, “The Brothers Karamazov”
The human brain is excellent at keeping itself free of blame. We have a self-image that we’re a good person, and we also do things that harm others. The cognitive dissonance this causes can be uncomfortable… until we rewrite our memories or justify our actions. (more…)