Tag: Jim Camp

  • Positive vs Negative Headlines–Which is BEST?

    Saint Paul

    Let me ask you:

    Which works better as a headline: highlighting a problem, or highlighting a solution?

    I ask because I’m reading John Caples’ “Tested Advertising Methods” right now–4th edition, thank you for asking.

    (Which, by the way, a few years back I could only find the 4th edition in Canada, and the seller would only ship to Canada. Knowing that the 5th Edition sucks (from my own personal experience), I found myself a Canadian mule…)


    In it, Caples says that headlines that highlight the positive tend to out-pull the negative.

    Because, he reasons… who wants to read an ad about problems?

    And while he has a point…

  • Tips to Persuade People (who don’t want to listen)

    8:34am Wednesday
    Saint Paul

    Someone asked:

    > What are some strategies for persuading someone
    > with differing opinions who is not open to listening
    > to our perspective?

    Before you can persuade someone, which should be to their benefit (otherwise it’s manipulation), he or she must have an open mind. If you can’t get there, nothing will work.

    *|FNAME|*, persuading people is not easy. You have to set up a situation where they’re willing to question their own entrenched ideas, which means they may come to the conclusion that they’ve been wrong about this idea for however long.

    And—as no one wants to be wrong, possibly shifting their entire world view—they’d rather fight than see the light.

    So you can’t persuade them as much as you can give them the opportunity and ideas to persuade themselves.

    Now, to open someone’s mind to a new way to see the world, you have a few options…

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Handwriting can increase our memory and literacy, give us agency, and help maintain a connection with one another.
    Handwriting can increase our memory and literacy, give us agency, and help maintain a connection with one another.


    #handwriting #pencil #memory #meditation #multitasking #fluoride #fakenews #amazon #fire


  • Just Say No

    The late Jim Camp, one of the worlds “most feared negotiators,” was a big fan of the word No.

    Camp even wrote a few books around this idea, No and Start with No.

    Photo "CL Society 218: Crossing arms" by Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “I said No and I mean No!” Photo “CL Society 218: Crossing arms” by
    Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    No, Camp reasoned, allowed people to hold on to the status quo. No didn’t require action, No didn’t force someone to do something they weren’t prepared to do.


  • Emerson on your Compensation from the Universe

    6am on the nuts
    June 26, 2019 AD
    Saint Paul, Minn

    I just received my copy of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Essays.

    "Compensation" and other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “Compensation” and other Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Photo copyright ⓒ 2019 Jeffrey G Thomas 

    This collection of Emerson’s writings includes the famous Compensation, which discusses how people who give tend to do better than those who take:

    “He is great who confers the most benefits. He is base —and that is (more…)

  • 10 Things You’ll Learn from “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss

    I’m always in the lookout for new books of interest. I tend to buy far more than I have time to read, and it ensures I always have something cooking in my brain.

    List subscriber Philippe wrote in a month ago to suggest Chris Voss’ Never Split the Difference. Philippe said it might be the best book on persuasion that he had read. I bought it… and immediately moved it to the top of my pile.

    Is this the best book on persuasion I've ever read? It just might be…
    Is this the best book on persuasion I’ve ever read? It just might be…


  • Business Growth with Ben Settle
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 007)

    I’m not entirely sure when I first heard about copywriter Ben Settle from  BenSettle.com. I signed up for his daily email list in July of 2018, some 10 months ago. I’ve since received over 600 emails from him.

    And I open every one.

    Ben’s emails discuss email marketing and adjusting your mindset towards success.

    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice
    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice
