The Coronavirus is coming for you (Part 1)

There’s a global panic right now about the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

While the illness is real, we have very little factual data about the illness or its spread.

For starters, there’s an indication this isn’t actually a virus — antiviral medications aren’t making much of a dent.

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Making a Change for the New Year

Last week we discussed Luck. Is an event that happens to us Good Luck or Bad Luck?

The Yin and the Yang are opposing forces in the universe, in balance regardless of how Humans perceive things.
The Yin and the Yang are opposing forces in the universe, in balance regardless of how Humans perceive things.

In the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film filled with references to the balance of the universe (tao), a character is asked that exact question.

Was this event good luck or bad luck?

Continue reading “Making a Change for the New Year”