Break and Fix.
Jan 22
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Do you struggle to build new habits?
You’re not alone.
With the New Year, many people want to build a new habit… (more…)
Jan 22
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Do you struggle to build new habits?
You’re not alone.
With the New Year, many people want to build a new habit… (more…)
Andrew Carnegie was a business tycoon in the late 1800s… and the richest
man in America.
During an ‘afternoon interview’ —one that stretched into three days— journalist Napoleon Hill asked Carnegie,
What makes for a successful life?
With a twinkle in his eye, Carnegie invited Hill to research that exact question— (more…)
Last Friday I got a message from the Universe. Sunday I got another.
Let me back up.
When I first started, an early post was about the confirmation bias I had experienced at the time. Numerous, unrelated sources had all suggested that I Offer Water to people.
Coming from multiple sources, it was as if the Universe was talking to me, making sure I didn’t miss the message. I still offer water, the source of life.
There were other messages around that time, too. Learn about Persuasion was one message. Think Big was another.
And now, the Universe is Back.
#exoproject #podcast #defaults #personality #happiness #anxiety #habits
10 Things I Learned from Andrew DeYoung, author of “The Exo Project”
Notes from my interview with Andrew DeYoung and the Persuasion Play Podcast episode 002.
Praise the efforts of children, not their outcomes. Works on adults too!
Cure your bad habits with “Sludge”
The opposite of Nudge, which sets beneficial defaults, Sludge makes compliance as difficult as possible. The idea is to intentionally add friction to your transactions to lessen their likelihood.
Study links decline in teenagers’ happiness to smartphones
Smartphones steal our focus, give us a short-lived feeling of social connections, and cause us to compare our boring moments with photos of the amazing lives of people we know.
Scientists Just Identified The Physical Source of Anxiety in The Brain
More evidence that animals like you and I are controlled by our wiring.
How To Get Your Point Across To These Five Personality Types
Five ways to present your argument.
Last week we discussed Luck. Is an event that happens to us Good Luck or Bad Luck?
In the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film filled with references to the balance of the universe (tao), a character is asked that exact question.
Was this event good luck or bad luck?