Tag: framing

  • 10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Headlines (Starting Now!)

    Your copy is only as good as the headline that gets the reader down the page.

    That’s why David Ogilvy said 80% of your time should be spent on the headline.

    It carries 80% of the weight. If they don’t read the headline, they’re not gonna read the body copy.

    Here are a few ideas for your next Headline.

  • Embrace your Problems, for They are You.

    Wednesday 9:17pm

    Saint Paul

    You are already successful.

    You are already happy.

    You are already rich.


  • Why friends won’t watch your favorite movies

    Check out this great song by
    Phil Collins.


    Saint Paul, MN


    I really do like Phil Collins as a solo artist.

    (Bring on the hate.) (more…)

  • A New Look at Prospect Theory


    Saint Paul


    Hey there. I was just thinking — PRL readers are the best.

    This past weekend I emailed about Mindset and letting Reality flow—

    “Don’t force a round peg into a square hole” kinda thing (actually it was exactly that).

    Anyway, one Mr. Haris P. wrote back to agree:

    Mindset is everything, you are right. When I get stressed I stop and think of the Prospect Theory that has been fascinating me since I first read it some years ago.  To make a long story short, we always judge situations comparing to something else (point of reference).
    When I am stressful at work for example, I stop and think how is my life, what are the real things I value (family, friends and health basically). Suddenly all other issues seem unimportant and trivial. Everything has a solution (apart form health problems) so I should just carry on, find the strength and courage to face my hesitations and fears.
    In a few words, I change the mindset and everything seems crystal clear.

    Second off, I agree completely with Haris.

    Perspective, framing, and contrast all help us to see the situation and get a handle on our emotions and mindset.

    But backing up to First off… my immediate reaction was whoa. I hadn’t thought of Prospect Theory quite like that before. (more…)

  • 10 Things you’ll learn in MindControlMarketing.com by Mark Joyner

    Monday 8:24pm

    Saint Paul


    When people ask me about PRL… or more tellingly, when they don’t ask me… it seems to me that they assume there’s some sorcery going on.

    Almost as if I’m able to

    Cast Magic Spells to Control Everyone’s Thoughts!

    Now I know this isn’t true… and perhaps you know this isn’t true… but the facts remain that people are vulnerable to influence and persuasion, (more…)

  • 13 Words to Identify Mind Readers

    Dear reader, we’ve discussed mind-reading, remember? We know it’s probably not real… right?

    Maybe it is, maybe it’s not. That’s beside the point. Honestly I don’t know the scope of reality beyond what my brain understands, and I’m sure there’s a lot I don’t understand.

    A wise man is never certain about anything!

    So I don’t know if some specially attuned people can read minds or not… but I’m pretty sure that your run-of-the-mill news reporter cannot.

    Image "Newspapers B&W (3)" by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “Newspapers B&W (3)” by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Image "our bench days" by phlubdr, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “our bench days” by phlubdr, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #nudge #emotions #bodylanguage #statusquo #identity #stoicism #design #framing


  • 10 Things I Learned from “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday

    Much of what we think of as “persuasion” is really “motivation.”

    The secret to “motivating people” is to find what already motivates them, and to tap into that. Because you’re not likely to change someone’s mind, and…

    people aren’t going to work against their own happiness.

    "The Obstacle is the Way" by Ryan Holiday
    “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday

    A great way to tap into existing motivations is to frame your argument in a way that encompasses the interests of each group. (more…)

  • 4 Ways to Combat Reactance

    Last week we discussed Reactance.

    Reactance is people’s natural resistance to your suggestions. People prefer the known, they don’t want to change the status quo. If you suggest a change…

    “What makes you so smart!?”

    As people of influence, how do we combat people’s natural resistance to being told what to do?

    This past weekend I attended a kid’s birthday party with my 5 year old daughter.

    The party is at a gymnastics gym in the suburbs. Short and sweet and cake and we’re outta there. The staff takes care of everything, pretty good setup with minimal fuss for the parents.

    "Friends :-)" by @BK, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Friends :-)” by @BK, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • The Number One Killer of Your Creativity — and Your Accomplishments

    I’m in the middle of writing two books.

    Ok, not really ‘the middle.’

    "Book" by Noah Dibley, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Book” by Noah Dibley, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    I say ‘the middle’ because I’ve started writing the books — one of which is available now for subscribers before I finish blowing it up into a full book for sale.

    Two Books? Foolish and optimistic me!
