Saint Paul
Today I wanted to highlight the idea of “frame control.”
A “frame” is the conversation you’re in, and the information present in that frame.
Frame control is used in both personal relationships and in marketing.
Saint Paul
Today I wanted to highlight the idea of “frame control.”
A “frame” is the conversation you’re in, and the information present in that frame.
Frame control is used in both personal relationships and in marketing.
Saint Paul
I wrote about this on Twitter this morning but I thought you might like a bit more.
From the outside, “persuasion” is often seen as trying to get someone to do something against his own interests.
That’s not persuasion. That’s manipulation.
In reality, persuasion is highlighting why an idea (or product or service) is in someone’s interests.
And because most people are resistant to new ideas, they’re unlikely to be persuaded by your arguments or data.
Instead, he has his own set of arguments and data.
And he’d much prefer if you joined his “side” — because then his worldview isn’t challenged.
So how can you get people to hear your ideas?
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