Tag: David Ogilvy

  • Is your copy clear… like a storefront window?

    8:59am Wednesday
    Saint Paul

    Time is scarce.

    Everyone is busy and thinking and planning and worried about both their past and their future.

    Which is why your copy needs to be clear, concise, and compelling.

    David Ogilvy said, “A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.”

    Someone else said…

  • 10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Headlines (Starting Now!)

    Your copy is only as good as the headline that gets the reader down the page.

    That’s why David Ogilvy said 80% of your time should be spent on the headline.

    It carries 80% of the weight. If they don’t read the headline, they’re not gonna read the body copy.

    Here are a few ideas for your next Headline.

  • Marketing Adventures with Drayton Bird
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 008)

    Today on the Persuasion Play Podcast, episode 008…

    I welcome a very special guest, Mr. Drayton Bird!

    Who is Drayton Bird?

    Drayton Bird is an old-school direct marketer and advertiser. He worked along side fellow greats such as Eugene Schwartz and David Ogilvy, who famously claimed that… (more…)