Tag: customers

  • What Robert Collier said about the Eclipse

    12:20pm Monday
    Saint Paul

    I am not in the path of today’s eclipse.

    But it reaches totality at 1:40pm Central time here in the US.

    And I plan to watch NASA’s live footage of the moon perfectly blocking earth’s sun on YouTube.

    Now, an eclipse is not a common event.

    And it has everyone talking.

    Which means marketers are tapping the eclipse as a reason to start a conversation with their audience.

  • Make happier customers: use their language!

    “An iced americano with two shots of espresso and one shot of decaf espresso.”

    My friend ordered his birthday coffee this morning.

    He and I both worked in a coffee shop back in college. Some 20-odd years ago. His beverage sounded reasonable to me.

    Then I ordered.

    “Another one of those. And also, four shots of espresso.”

    The owner of the cafe looked at us.

    “You’re f***ing with me right?”

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    How about some industrial hamburgers for you? "Mmmmm, Burgers!" by m01229, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    How about some industrial hamburgers for you? “Mmmmm, Burgers!” by m01229, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #inflammation #pain #health #polite #technology #persuasion #food #restaurants #socialskills #light #nature #customers
