Tag: because

  • Give Me One Reason!

    9:46am Tuesday

    This morning I read a Sweepstakes Letter from the Publishers Clearing House.

    With a no-obligation entry I have a chance at winning $7,000 per week for life.

    That’s a lot of money!

    The letter spent no time trying to be clever or discussing something that couldn’t tie into the benefits of their promotion.

    To Persuade, You Have To Enter Their World

    Do you remember most brands behind your favorite commercials?

  • Vibrational Health Care.

    9:17pm Thursday
    Saint Paul, Minn

    Earlier this week, my wife and two kids all wrapped up their second round of antibiotics for their second round of ear infections and strep throat. We’re stuck inside and the sickness has gone around and around…

    and I’ve managed to stay healthy!

    Is it because…

  • Building Momentum with the Power of Why

    Behold… the Building power of Why.

    Saint Paul, Minn

    People are an emotional lot, aren’t they?

    Telling someone what to do (or how to do it)… rarely works in your favor. When you tell someone what to do, you’re taking away their agency, their ability to think and act for themselves.

    People rebel against that authoritarian decision making, even if it’s in their best interest. Sure, they might do it (more…)

  • 10 Things you’ll learn in MindControlMarketing.com by Mark Joyner

    Monday 8:24pm

    Saint Paul


    When people ask me about PRL… or more tellingly, when they don’t ask me… it seems to me that they assume there’s some sorcery going on.

    Almost as if I’m able to

    Cast Magic Spells to Control Everyone’s Thoughts!

    Now I know this isn’t true… and perhaps you know this isn’t true… but the facts remain that people are vulnerable to influence and persuasion, (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    The Vinegar Tasters is a story about Chinese religious leaders, either finding the Vinegar of Life to be Sour, Bitter, or Sweet. You decide.
    The Vinegar Tasters is a story about Chinese ‘religious’ leaders, either finding the Vinegar of Life to be Sour, Bitter, or Sweet. On my birthday, Life is pretty Sweet.

    #birthday #trance #hypnosis #vr #memory #because #yes #visualmessage
