Freelance Growth with John Bejakovic (Persuasion Play Podcast 011)

Are you an opportunity seeker… looking to make money online… living an independent life without a proper job?

(Aren’t we all?)

Before he was a copywriter, John Bejakovic wrote for the Motley Fool and published his own books on Amazon.

And books like the 4 Hour Work Week spoke to his interest in granting him freedom.

Then, in 2015 John stumbled into Email Copywriting.

He started his copywriting career writing a 7-email funnel for only $5.

Fast forward to today…

John now lives in Barcelona, Spain.

He works 3 hours per day.

And after releasing his own books and courses—including the bullet-sharpening Copy Riddles course that I’m working through myself—he hasn’t needed to take on client work for months.

Independent life without a proper job? Checkmate.

Listen to John’s story and benefit from the many lessons he’s learned, including:

  • Worried about cheap clients or bad jobs on Upwork? John lays out his step-by-step plan to find clients who want to pay for your skills (2:40)
  • How to increase your copywriting rates using the “External Schedule” method—even if you’re not yet confident in your skills (4:22)
  • Stuck with bad clients? John’s advice to naturally attract better clients (6:09)
  • What the world’s best negotiator—Jim Camp—taught John about working with the right clients. (Set these standards to cherry-pick clients you enjoy working with!) (8:50)
  • Can you mimic anyone’s voice? Stop! Trying to write as someone else can be a miserable experience. Here’s the type of client to look for instead. (12:30)
  • John turned his ideas into short-form content… and his content into books and courses. You can monetize your own ideas too—here’s what to do. (16:00)
  • How to use your own content to build authority… and bring in a bit of extra income (20:42)
  • Do you have a mentor? The magical ways copy-coach Dan Ferrari changed John’s mindset. (21:38)
  • Not all money is created equal. How to speed up your career without chasing new clients. (24:21)
  • The Eugene Schwartz method to completing your deep work in 3 hours per day—it’s not a new idea but it’s a great cure for distractions! (28:23)
  • Headlines make or break your ad. How John writes his best headlines and subject lines… and why a “great” headline may not always be necessary (30:21)
  • Your brain tricks you into being lazy (that’s Kahneman’s System 1). Here’s John’s way to squeeze a bit more persuasion into his writing… even when he loves loves loves what’s already on the page. (32:02)
  • Are you weak on bullets? The Gary Halbert idea—from his 1986 “Do The Twist” letter—that led to John hunting down old books to create his successful Copy Riddles bullet course. (33:50)
  • The mostly-untapped market that awaits some (but not all) copywriters. Do you have the needed skills to tap into this? (36:17)

You can find John’s book The 10 Commandments of A-List Copywriters on Amazon, and more about his courses from his daily emails at

Quick aside.

John’s interview is below, free for a limited time.

And to celebrate the 11th Episode, you can find previous exclusive interviews from…
• Business growth genius Ben Settle
• Direct response legend Drayton Bird
• Persuasive copywriter Matt Rizvi
• Sales coach Stephen R. Moore
• Email freelancer Dennis Demori
• Author and poker champ Annie Duke
• Children’s Book Award winner Andrew DeYoung… or
• Magician and idea-generator Paul Gertner
for only $47 each. That’s more than 50% OFF these exclusive conversations… FOR A LIMITED TIME until they go back to $97 any day now…

Seriously, they’ll go back up in price. I’m not sure when though—it could be Saturday or tomorrow or next month. If you’re looking for conversations that’ll teach you persuasion from some of the best, grab an exclusive interview or two while they’re cheap. Just click the name above and look for the PayPal button to buy now.

And here we go…

John Bejakovic shares his expertise and story in Episode 11 of the Persuasion Play Podcast. Listen now!

Persuasion Play Podcast from Goldmine Marketing · Growing Freelance with John Bejakovic

Listen directly on Soundcloud at