How to work with a Broken Phone

9:55am Friday
Saint Paul, Minn

I broke my phone yesterday playing basketball with my son.

Jumping for a rebound… and it popped right out of my back pocket.

Screen is black and flashing white.

New one comes early next week.

So I am cut off from clients, friends, and family who rely on text messages.

But I have backups:

Luckily I have Slack for one client…

(Never once thought I’d say I’m lucky to have Slack. I don’t like that software.)

and WhatsApp Web for most others (so long as it stays logged in…).

Remember Jocko Willink’s advice:

Two is One. And One is None.

Meaning, if you rely on a single source—for anything—then you’re at risk of having nothing.

Or, always have a backup.

That’s one reason I like physical books. If my computer crashes, I may not have a backup of something digital I purchased.

But my library is at hand.

A few years ago I bought Clyde Bedell’s course How to Turn White Space Into Advertising That Sells from Michael Sennoff.

It was a PDF. I seriously considered printing it for easier reference, but the color print job would not have been cheap.

Yesterday, Sennoff emailed that he had original, physical copies of this course for sale.

I hopped right on that and it should arrive next week.

If you have something valuable to offer, give your customers the opportunity to buy it in multiple formats.

Maybe I should take my own advice… because my books on copywriting, becoming a paid artist, developing a better mindset, and a ghost story are only available in print.

Have a great weekend.
