
  • “I had no idea…”

    Saint Paul

    “Let me out!” the man screams.

    But no one is coming.

    More angry than afraid, Leo Beebe smashes the window and storms out of the room.

  • This one store does it ALL [Photos]

    12:00 noon on a Friday
    Saint Paul

    Hey, I’m back in your inbox after taking a few weeks off. Feels good to be here—I like what you’ve done with the place.

    As soon as school got out, the fam and I went on a trip to the Southwest USA. We hit up the Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, Mesa Verde, Four Corners, and Monument Valley.

    It was GREAT to step away from my GrUeLiNg JoB where I write words that make money. No computers for a week! And it’s great to be back at it, too.

    Now, on this trip, I took over 900 photos.

  • Just when you thought you were out…

    Saint Paul

    “Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!”
    —Godfather 3… and pretty much every “one last heist” movie ever.

    I had a former co-worker reach out to me on LinkedIn, asking if I was interested in IT work, or knew anyone who was. A lawyer friend of hers is looking for tech help.

    I’m not in the IT game any more. I really don’t know anyone who is.

  • How to work with a Broken Phone

    9:55am Friday
    Saint Paul, Minn

    I broke my phone yesterday playing basketball with my son.

    Jumping for a rebound… and it popped right out of my back pocket.

    Screen is black and flashing white.

    New one comes early next week.

    So I am cut off from clients, friends, and family who rely on text messages.

    But I have backups:

  • My Cheap Brother Brought Me a Hot Chicken Dinner.

    2:49pm Friday
    Saint Paul

    I’ve been swamped the last two weeks, in a good way.

    I started writing Facebook ads with a new client and it’s been a lot of fun.

    One hook I wrote has me laughing maniacally and I’m not sure why. But it’s definitely not a hook that’s used in this market… or maybe anywhere:

  • Is your copy clear… like a storefront window?

    8:59am Wednesday
    Saint Paul

    Time is scarce.

    Everyone is busy and thinking and planning and worried about both their past and their future.

    Which is why your copy needs to be clear, concise, and compelling.

    David Ogilvy said, “A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.”

    Someone else said…

  • Tips to Persuade People (who don’t want to listen)

    8:34am Wednesday
    Saint Paul

    Someone asked:

    > What are some strategies for persuading someone
    > with differing opinions who is not open to listening
    > to our perspective?

    Before you can persuade someone, which should be to their benefit (otherwise it’s manipulation), he or she must have an open mind. If you can’t get there, nothing will work.

    *|FNAME|*, persuading people is not easy. You have to set up a situation where they’re willing to question their own entrenched ideas, which means they may come to the conclusion that they’ve been wrong about this idea for however long.

    And—as no one wants to be wrong, possibly shifting their entire world view—they’d rather fight than see the light.

    So you can’t persuade them as much as you can give them the opportunity and ideas to persuade themselves.

    Now, to open someone’s mind to a new way to see the world, you have a few options…

  • Father of the Year?

    8:38am Monday
    Saint Paul

    “Looks like it may be fractured,” said the physician’s assistant.

    My daughter had been complaining of a sore foot since her gymnastics lessons… six months ago.

    It was an occasional complaint, and it didn’t stop her from, well, anything.

  • Prank Call marketing lessons

    Thursday, 5:13pm
    Saint Paul

    “He fell for it! Ha ha ha hahahahahaaa hahaaaa ha…”

    My daughter is prank calling people in my phonebook.

    (Of course, I had to teach her the *67 trick to hide my number…)

    To be clear, this is the first time I’ve been involved with a prank call as an adult.

    And it’s kinda fascinating, to be honest…

  • Seneca’s Letter 26 (Annual birthday post)

    1:38pm Tuesday
    Saint Paul

    Hey, thanks for joining me on my birthday!

    Every year… for a few years at least… I reread Seneca’s Letter to a Stoic, number 26, and reflect on the fact that we’re all getting older.

    Turns out, this year is no different—I got older again.

    In letter 26, Seneca is estimated to be about age 65.

    Today, I turn 45.

    So he has a few more years on me.

    And when he writes,

    “I feel that age has done no damage to my mind,”

    I can very much agree.

    In fact, as I age, I can see things more clearly than ever.

    Or, at least, it feels that way. (Could be confirmation bias.)

    What’s more striking, however, is his line
