You were taught to write wrong.

Saint Paul

You were taught to write wrong.

It’s not your teacher’s fault. It’s not your fault. It’s just how the system works.

You were taught that big words impress. They might—but impressing someone shouldn’t be your goal.

You were taught that a single idea is grouped into a self-contained paragraph. Sure…

But white space lets your text b r e a t h. It’s easier to read and understand and digest.

You were taught that you can’t ever end a sentence using a preposition. That’s a dumb rule to go by.

Full sentences? Nah.

Perfection? Why? No one is perfect.

Instead of formal perfection…

Write like you talk… if you had an editor to clean up the things you said.

Keep your writing informal.

That’s how you connect with people.

That’s how you express ideas that others want to understand.

And if you don’t like to write? Don’t know what to say? Don’t have time to write for your business?

Let’s talk.

Love you,
