Saint Paul
“The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.”
—Pope Benedict XVI
Cold showers are especially tough when the water pipes know it’s -15° outside.
So after years of cold showers–both for the possible health benefits and for making myself do things I might not want to do–they’re no longer part of my routine.
But there are other ways I find comfort in discomfort:
Plush bed? I relish the nights when I can sleep on the floor (good for the spine).
Soft, squishy sneakers? I prefer shoes with a stiff leather sole (earth grounding).
Cozy couch? I prefer the upright one (spine again).
Maybe you think this is just contrarian. You think we should all choose comfort whenever it’s offered, and that after my recent Pizza revelation…
I’m just being difficult.
Or, maybe?
Maybe you have your own self-imposed disciplines.
Either way…
as Pope Benedict reminds us…
Staying comfortable reduces our exposure to new ideas, new challenges, new opportunities for growth.
I got growth plans (courses) lined up for the next months:
Idea Power tangs (David Deutsch),
Client Capture tangs (Christmas fever impulse buy),
Yo mama tangs (always pays off).
I hope you do, too.
Because you aren’t here to sit around.
So what’s on your plate in the weeks and e=mc2 ahead?
Reply and let me know…
<3 -J