This is my contrarian view of Advertising and Marketing. Maybe you can see all of this in a new light by the time we’re done.

Consider this:
Advertising companies ask you to dig deep into your own pocket to promote “Brand Awareness.”
Billboards, Facebook ads, Podcast sponsorships. “This episode is brought to you by See Dem Underoos.” Meh.
All to build that ever-elusive Brand Awareness.
This is wrong:
• Wrong… because it takes time to build Brand Awareness, and time is money… your money.
• Wrong… because you can’t easily measure the results of Brand Awareness, and awareness doesn’t equal sales.
• Wrong… because the secret to building your brand isn’t awareness, but you. You are your brand.
Big Advertisers want to sell you on brand awareness because the results are hard to measure, and building towards brand awareness fulfills what you desire:
- your brand in bright lights,
- celebs flashing your logo,
- your name on everyone’s lips,
- your photo in print…
That’s what we all want for our business: recognition and status.
And so long as an ad agency puts your name and logo in enough places, they’re fulfilling their end of the bargain.
But do you know what your customers want?
You probably know: your customers want solutions to their problems.
Here’s something the ad agencies won’t tell you… and I hate to be the one to break it to you: customers don’t care about your “brand” as much as you do.
I understand, your brand is precious to you…
…and to that ad agency charging real money to build your brand…
But for your customer, your brand is of secondary importance to their one desire: can YOU solve their problems, and do it as pain-free as possible?
There’s good news however:
To grow your company (and your brand) in a natural way… no force-feeding required…
your marketing efforts must focus not on your brand… not on you… but on your customers.
The way you treat your customers and solve their problems is what builds your brand.
Meanwhile, your advertising and marketing should be selling your solutions.
But that’s not what most businesses practice.
So much failed advertising…
We’re surrounded by space advertising — an ad with a logo and some pithy slogan, filling up space on the page, the poster, etc.
Advertising that emphasizes beauty over effectiveness, or creativity over conversions…
or advertising which leans on price or features…
And when we see it everywhere, we think it’s the “right way,” or perhaps the “only way.”
But this isn’t the only way to reach customers, and it’s not the best way.
See, clients don’t want your creative ads, they want your solutions. Let’s talk about those in your ads.
Space Advertising vs.
Direct Marketing
Most advertising and brand awareness can be thought of as a shotgun approach. You put your name and logo out there… take up some space… and hope to hit the right people often enough… and when the time is right, maaaaybe they’ll remember your name, your specially selected colors, and your offer.
You can’t measure “maaaaaybe.“
Wouldn’t it be nice if your efforts had measurable returns and ongoing improvements?
Direct Marketing is the sniper approach to advertising, connecting your products or services by targeting interested buyers. People who are interested in what you offer.
And then… incrementally improving those marketing results to continue bringing in customers that want what you offer.
That’s what I offer to you: targeted client conversions using proven direct marketing methods and buyer psychology that the space advertisers would rather avoid.
Hi, I’m Jeffrey.

I’m a direct marketer and copywriter based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
While the big guys shoot for creative ways to spend your money…
I shoot for success in your market.
I work a bit differently from those agencies. Let me tell you how I do it:
• I work to make an emotional connection to your customers (which is far more memorable than a billboard).
• I’ll make Big Claims about your products (and back them up with proof from research and existing clients).
• I rely on psychology and research to help a customer buy your product and services (not high-pressure tactics that turn away customers).
How can I help you?
I admit it, not every business is comfortable selling to their customers. That’s why we see space advertising is everywhere: No attempt to sell, no attempt to promise. Just a name in the ether, hoping to catch a few new customers.
I think that’s insane, how about you?
If you have an email list… address book… database… or any other way to identify your past and prospective clients…
…and you’re open to exploring different marketing methods…
…let’s build your business together.
Sign up for free tips on Direct Marketing here.
And if you’re ready to explore these ideas for your company, book a time on my calendar and we’ll see if we’re a fit to work together!