Saint Paul
I learned today that the swelling from a broken bone can take a week before it subsides.
That’s because i broke my wrist on the ice rink last wednesday.
The doc had put it in a splint, which ended up being too tight.
So i rewrapped the splint over the weekend before returning for x-rays today.
At today’s appointment, the first assistant looked at me in horror that i would do such a thing…
But 10 minutes later, when i told a different assistant the same thing, she just replied, “Good!”
Both are qualified.
Both work at the same place.
And both had two different reactions.
That tells me something about expertise–and maybe it tells you something too.
So I want to ask you:
What’s your opinion? Do these bones look good to you?

Meanwhile, with the amount of swelling i have, the cast has to wait a week. I got a new splint.
But i can still drive my manual transmission racecar.
And even if the shift key is a bit of a challenge… i can still write ads.
Which is good news for everyone.
ok enough about me.
How’s business on your end, *|FNAME|*?
PS when i do get that cast–will you sign it?