Over the last few years, I’ve had the feeling that the Universe is Talking To Me.
Not with words. The Universe is bigger than my language skills. And not in a tinfoil-hat kinda way.

These Messages From The Universe appear as coincidences in my life. We all have them.
Some people would miss these. Some may see the coincidences but ignore them.
I’ve started paying attention.
Maybe I have cognitive bias, finding support for my viewpoint and ignoring competing observations. I’m sure I do — we all do.
Other people might suggest that I’m being fed specific information based on Internet Artificial Intelligence, filtering those messages to match my preferences. This is highly probable. We know that happens.
It doesn’t change the fact that I’m getting these messages from multiple sources. They’re influencing my life.
Here’s the most recent message, which I received over the last 10 days.
The Universe’s Message:
Offer Them Water!
Over this last week, the Universe told me to offer water to people. Three times from thee different sources I was given this message.
The first time, I was listening to Scott Adams and Mike Cernovich discuss persuasion. Offering water is a good way to help people feel comfortable:
The second instance was a blog post by James Altrucher that I read. His own podcast guest Seth Goodin offered James a glass of water. James mentions this because he failed to make his own guest feel comfortable.
The third instance this week, I was reading “What Every BODY Is Saying” by Joe Navarro. The book discusses body language (and will be reviewed here in the future). Navarro suggests that our own body language will influence others, and we should strive to make them comfortable if we want to gather non-verbal intelligence.

The same book suggests that people will use objects, like a bottle of water, to protect their body when they’re under stress. Or to moisten their dry mouth if they’re nervous. Non-verbal intelligence is another great reason to offer water.
Yeah, this last one might fall into the Cognitive Bias category, but that’s ok. Even if this is all just a coincidence, it’s good advice.
Message received: Offer them water. It helps people feel comfortable, even obligated to help you, and can help you read non-verbal communications.
Water is universal, the source of life, and now another source of your persuasive powers.
Has the universe offered you any bits of wisdom?
Have you seen patterns or coincidences that you didn’t want to ignore?
Share in the comments below!
3 responses to “Universal Mind Control?”
I dont know whether its a coincidence or not, but the day I read this post, I read another post which had been lying unread on my inbox for 7 days –
I used to look out for signs and then decide whether to take an activity or not. Today I feel that its a confirmation bias. We never account for the times when the sign was there but activity was unsuccessful. I have recently started to go against the signs that I have been getting and the life is still going on well.
Almost certainly Confirmation Bias, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening or worth learning from 🙂
I recently watched a video about the math of what we might consider an impossible coincidence. It’s pretty interesting,
Thanks for the input and conversation, Rohit!
[…] I first started PersuasionReadingList.com, an early post was about the confirmation bias I had experienced at the time. Numerous, unrelated sources had all […]