Two essentials to high-ticket sales

Saint Paul

Don’t you hate unproductive meetings?

I’m at my table sipping coffee after a morning run, looking over my notes from a meeting yesterday.

A rather unproductive one.

The guest speaker couldn’t give concrete examples of his ideas. He kept trailing off… changing topics mid-sentence… and never completing a thought.

In short: he couldn’t communicate well. And without examples of his work or ideas… he wasn’t earning my trust.

It was frustrating and even the host didn’t seem to know where to take the directionless conversation.

But not all is lost!

I was able to pull a few nuggets of wisdom—one of which this guest speaker repeatedly said… but didn’t do.


High-ticket sales comes from solid communication and building trust.

If you want someone to spend big money, they have to trust that your product or service does what you say it will.

And this comes from clear communication.

That’s the beauty of direct response marketing—it aims not to be clever, but to be clear. To build trust through your authority. To provide examples of success and testimonials of your clients and customers. To sell with honesty and integrity.

Be it a newspaper ad… a sales letter… a landing page… or compelling words on your ecom store… direct response marketing builds trust through clear communication.

And yes—even daily emails!

Want to build trust with your audience? Email them more and give them something—a peek into your life, tips to improve their performance, some insight that you recently had.

Don’t want to email them more? Aaayyy let me do it for you.