The Lamborghini Secret to Customer Service

Saint Paul

When you think of high-end Italian cars, Lamborghini is on the short list.

If you know anything about Italian cars—and I know very little—you may know they have a reputation for breaking down.

Fiat, for example, was joked as being an acronym for “Fix It Again Tony.”

In an interview from the 1960s, Ferruccio Lamborghini—the founder of the luxury car brand—said his company was willing to go anywhere in the world to help a customer…

The same day they heard something wasn’t right!

They’d send a mechanic on an airplane to Spain or England.

He’d fix the car and apologize for the inconvenience.

The company would also send an apology letter.

And all this service wouldn’t cost the customer a dime.

“Isn’t that expensive?” the interviewer asked.

“It is expensive,” Ferruccio says. “But it’s a fruitful cost, because the customer… spreads the word to everyone, becoming a good publicity advertisement.”

As a business owner, that’s a great relationship to have with your buyers.

You may not sell cars, *|FNAME|*.

But in any business, relationships are essential to your survival.

Good products? Sure.

But if a buyer can’t trust the vendor, why would they trust the product?

I’ve sold over $2,000,000 with email marketing based on this idea.

And in a few weeks I’ll be presenting these ideas at B2B Forum in Boston.

Now, a limited number of tickets to the event are still available… but at $2,195, they’re not inexpensive.

However, to prune my overly-detailed presentation, I’ll be giving a preview of my talk this coming Friday, Oct 18 at 10am US Central time.

And you’re invited to join the fun.

I’m calling it the VaLuE Email Training.

We’ll connect on Google Meet. I’ll run through the slides, you give me some feedback, and we’ll go through any questions you may have.

It’s taken me nearly 10 years to learn all this, studying masters like Gary Halbert, Ben Settle, Drayton Bird and others.

And you certainly could do the same… listening to their interviews… buying their books and newsletters… investing tons of time and energy to write both winning emails and losers too…

Or you can come to see what I’ve learned and applied to my daily writing.

If you’re interested in this opportunity to improve your email marketing, I invite you to sign up now.

It’s going to be a small group, and it will be recorded.

Attendees will get a link to the recording, which I’ll sell at a later date for a higher price point.

But you can be there live.

Zero additional details are available on the order page here: