#podcast #eyecontact #willpower #empathy #writing
#podcast #eyecontact #willpower #empathy #writing
Monday 8:24pm
Saint Paul
When people ask me about PRL… or more tellingly, when they don’t ask me… it seems to me that they assume there’s some sorcery going on.
Almost as if I’m able to
Cast Magic Spells to Control Everyone’s Thoughts!
Now I know this isn’t true… and perhaps you know this isn’t true… but the facts remain that people are vulnerable to influence and persuasion, (more…)
I’m sitting at the dining room table, hand writing some of the sales letters from the Robert Collier Letter Book while my licorice tea cools off.
Collier was a direct mail writer, successfully selling all kinds of products during his career, including jewelry, tires, books, and clothing.
Hand writing successful sales letters like these helps to slow down and focus your brain, while (more…)
Millennials may think they’re a different breed.
Perhaps, the reasoning goes, because they grew up in a distracting environment… their brains have adapted to the distractions of our fast paced world!
I frequently hear, “Maybe this generation is different!”
Attempts to outlaw competitive sports or bullying rely on that same flawed belief — that somehow humans are reaching a new level of consciousness. Finally.
For all the drum-beating about “Science!” it’s amazing to see how many people (more…)
#birthday #trance #hypnosis #vr #memory #because #yes #visualmessage
When I was growing up, my Grandpa always had a joke or a magic trick at the ready. My memories of childhood aren’t well defined, quite fuzzy really, but there are stand-outs with Grandpa Damie’s magic.
Throughout his life and beyond, I’ve heard great things about my grandpa. People remembered his generosity and personal touch. He would receive Christmas cards and accolades years after seeing old friends, coworkers, and neighbors.
How did my Grandpa Damie have such an impact on people?
An impact that was remembered long after? (more…)
My interest in Persuasion and getting people moving, getting them working and improving, overlaps with business and leadership.
I follow a number of successful entrepreneurs on Twitter. Many of them know that reality is flexible, that we create (and live by) our own limits.
Inspiring people to push past those self-inflicted limits is one view of Persuasion, and important for any self-starter like yourself.
Another aspect of persuasion, especially in larger businesses, is change management. (more…)
#identity #power #podcast #science #behavior #illusions #marketing #nlp #hypnosis
I was in NYC a few weeks ago. The color of the season is Army Green. Everywhere you look in NYC, people are wearing Army Green.
I don’t own much Army Green. I don’t like how I look in most shades of green. I tend to avoid green all together (except on Thursdays. Honestly.)
Instead of Army Green in NYC, I wore a white collared shirt, a blue jacket, and grey slacks all weekend. I also had a grey sweater. I wanted to pack minimally and still look put together. I think I did alright. I wasn’t on-trend with that Army Green, which is something I try to avoid anyways.
Maybe you’ve heard the term, “The Clothes Make The Man.” How we present ourselves packs an enormous visual punch. It sets an impression, for better or worse, every time someone sees you. (more…)
#toys #toddlers #brains #freewill #theuplifter #synaesthesia #identity (more…)
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