Tag: visual

  • Seeing is Believing

    Millennials may think they’re a different breed.

    Perhaps, the reasoning goes, because they grew up in a distracting environment… their brains have adapted to the distractions of our fast paced world!

    "Brained" by Jose, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Brained” by Jose, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    I frequently hear, “Maybe this generation is different!”

    Attempts to outlaw competitive sports or bullying rely on that same flawed belief — that somehow humans are reaching a new level of consciousness. Finally.

    For all the drum-beating about “Science!” it’s amazing to see how many people (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week


    "Robots" by Jeffrey Thomas, 2018
    “Robots” by Jeffrey Thomas, 2018

    #authority #computers #robots #reality #quantumphysics #nudge


  • Behaviors drive Attitudes

    It’s been said that a Weatherman is the only job where you can often be wrong and still keep your job. How often is your local forecast far from what transpires? (or perspires)

    "Out of the mist" by Jeremy Segrott, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Out of the mist” by Jeremy Segrott, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    Two people meet in the road.

    “What a beautiful day!” exclaims the first, looking up.

    “Oh, but I think it might rain,” laments the second, looking down at his phone.

    And they go on their ways.

    This short exchange highlights two vastly different mindsets of the characters. (more…)