Almost any discussion breaks down when one side stops listening to the other side.
Which is to say, almost every discussion.
You have points that you want to make and obviously the other side doesn’t have their facts straight. Because if they did, they wouldn’t be on the other side.
Famous advertising man Claude Hopkins wrote in his book My Life in Advertising that his desire to go into sales was an effort to graduate from the debit class.
In his administrative position, Hopkins recognized that he could only make so much money if he drew a company salary. To graduate from the debit class, Hopkins had to produce income for his employer.
Hopkins became a very successful rainmaker, bringing in the magical rain —money— that allows a company to grow.
Not all sales people are rainmakers… but they could be. You could be.
How to Become a Rainmaker: The Rules for Getting and Keeping Customers and Clients
Jeffrey J Fox’s book How to Become a Rainmaker details the rules to becoming this high-selling rainmaker in your company. (more…)
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