Tag: Ultimate Sales Letter

  • The Best Direct Response Ideas… for Just 10 Bucks!

    Saint Paul

    When I spoke at a marketing conference last year, I asked if people were familiar with Dan Kennedy.

    Not a single person in my audience raised their hand.

    Which only sorta surprised me.

    Kennedy is a direct response marketer, through and through. He’s got a ton of business ideas, too–many of which go against the grain of modern business and marketing.

    That’s attractive to me.

  • 7 things you’ll learn in Dan Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Sales Letter”


    Saint Paul

    I was browsing my bookshelf the other night, looking for something to start.

    (I have more unfinished books than I have fully-read books. Not every book is worth finishing, I’ve learned… though many I plan to return to… I think…)

    Now, I noticed my slightly neglected Dan Kennedy section. Dan is a prolific and accomplished copywriter and businessman who has recently fallen ill.

    I pulled down my worn copy of The Ultimate Sales Letter and (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Don't be sad, here watch me juggle! mage from Steve Martin's movie "The Jerk", 1979
    Don’t be sad, here watch me juggle! Image from Steve Martin’s movie “The Jerk”, 1979

    #toxic #positivity #technology #sales #marketing #emotions


  • Operating at the Next Level

    No B.S. — this guy has been huge.

    Saint Paul

    I broke a rule and read some email this morning.

    (usually I try to skip the email, otherwise I get pulled into a rabbit hole)

    I immediately opened a letter from PRL Podcast guest Matt Rizvi.

    And what I read… was some sad news. (more…)