Tag: testing

  • What’s the benefit here?

    Saint Paul

    I assembled a web ad today, from the client’s provided copy.

    It starts out, “Want to do more in 2025?”

    Not exactly, I whispered.

    What’s the benefit? The big idea? The hook?

  • Business Growth with Ben Settle
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 007)

    I’m not entirely sure when I first heard about copywriter Ben Settle from  BenSettle.com. I signed up for his daily email list in July of 2018, some 10 months ago. I’ve since received over 600 emails from him.

    And I open every one.

    Ben’s emails discuss email marketing and adjusting your mindset towards success.

    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice
    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice


  • The Failure of Science

    Saint Paul, MN

    Reader, this weekend I met with a PRL subscriber to discuss marketing emails that I am writing for his business.

    Yep, my first paid copywriting gig!

    We bounced around with other conversation topics as well, including my wife’s newfound interest in Reiki energy healing.

    <cue eye-roll>

    My friends asked what I thought of Energy Healing, a topic that’s looked down upon by science and society as being unconfirmed.

    My answer? (more…)

  • Just Give Away all the Library Books!

    I just finished reading the Saint Paul newspaper.

    It seems our mayor wants to do away with library fines.

    New fines, old fines, all of the fines… out the door.

    Here we are, a society that can’t accept enough responsibility to iron a shirt…

    and now we’re removing one of the few driving forces that encourage people to return books on time?

    I think it’s… ridiculous, pandering, expensive… and… after thinking it over…

    possibly a great idea! (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Love in the Afternoon" by Marc Falardeau, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Love in the Afternoon” by Marc Falardeau, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • How to Please Your Customers:
    Hopkins’ My Life in Advertising Wrap-up

    My new boots came in the mail. They were far too small. I felt like a kid again and my feet had grown over the summer.

    These boots had everything I wanted. Leather, waterproof, and insulated, I expected to keep them for years. But of course, they had to fit right.

    Winter Boots are a necessity around these parts. Image "What's Down There?"by James, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Winter Boots are a necessity around these parts. Image “What’s Down There?”by James, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    Luckily, the online retailer made the exchange simple and free. I mailed the boots in to try a second pair, and I waited.

    It was going to be a cold, snowy Thanksgiving in Wisconsin.


  • Hopkins’ Essentials of Advertising (My Life in Advertising: Chapter 17)

    After reviewing Hopkins’ accomplishments, we get to the most important chapter of the book, Chapter Seventeen, Scientific Advertising.

    Hopkins compares advertisements with salespeople. Each must prove their worth. Track results to know what is effective and what is not. Some techniques won’t work in various industries.

    Image "Money bw" by Monochrome, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “Money bw” by Monochrome, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    But some truths are universal. Hopkins lays them out in this essential chapter.
