Most weekends, my wife and I make it a point to write out a dinner menu, spend an hour shopping, and prep for some dinners in the upcoming week.
It’s not the way we’d prefer to spend Sunday morning. It doesn’t matter. We know that having the menu ready and the food in the house is going to massively increase the chances that we will enjoy a home-cooked dinner.
Restaurant food is always ready to please! “Mmmmm, Burgers!” by m01229, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
The ever-present alternative is restaurant food. I love restaurant food! It’s cooked, it’s salty and fatty and delicious, it’s exactly what I wanted, and I can get it brought right to my front door! (more…)
My interest in Persuasion and getting people moving, getting them working and improving, overlaps with business and leadership.
I follow a number of successful entrepreneurs on Twitter. Many of them know that reality is flexible, that we create (and live by) our own limits.
Image “Put your hands up in the air” by Thomas Leuthard, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Inspiring people to push past those self-inflicted limits is one view of Persuasion, and important for any self-starter like yourself.
Another aspect of persuasion, especially in larger businesses, is change management. (more…)
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