Tag: startwithyes

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    The Vinegar Tasters is a story about Chinese religious leaders, either finding the Vinegar of Life to be Sour, Bitter, or Sweet. You decide.
    The Vinegar Tasters is a story about Chinese ‘religious’ leaders, either finding the Vinegar of Life to be Sour, Bitter, or Sweet. On my birthday, Life is pretty Sweet.

    #birthday #trance #hypnosis #vr #memory #because #yes #visualmessage


  • The Unbelievably Simple way to Improve Participation

    Good day PRL readers!

    Last week we touched on ways that you can negatively influence an outcome: The Poochie Effect. By immediately presenting a solution to a question, we shut people out of the solution process and remove their intrinsic desire to be valuable.

    Lead people to your conclusions with Pacing
    Lead people to your conclusions with Pacing. Flicker, US Army, CC-By-2.0

    Today I want to talk about pacing. Pacing is when you get early agreement in a conversation, and slowly lead somebody to reach your goal.

    Pacing is the opposite of the Poochie Effect, and it’s essential to Persuasion and Social Hypnosis. (more…)