Tag: script

  • Making a Change for the New Year

    Last week we discussed Luck. Is an event that happens to us Good Luck or Bad Luck?

    The Yin and the Yang are opposing forces in the universe, in balance regardless of how Humans perceive things.
    The Yin and the Yang are opposing forces in the universe, in balance regardless of how Humans perceive things.

    In the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film filled with references to the balance of the universe (tao), a character is asked that exact question.

    Was this event good luck or bad luck?


  • Building Rapport for Fun and Profit

    Mirroring behaviour helps build rapport. Image "our bench days" by phlubdr, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Mirroring behavior helps build rapport. Image “our bench days” by phlubdr, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    We choose help people that we like, people that make us happy.

    We like people that are similar to ourselves. People that remind us of our best attributes.

    Therefor, if we want to be persuasive, we must be likable.

    As humans, we mirror one another’s behavior. We reciprocate emotions and we reciprocate favors.

    To be persuasive, you (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    We must submit our advertisements to the court of public opinion. "Engineering Department employees, 1962, Item 74240" by Seattle Municipal Archives, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    We must submit our advertisements to the court of public opinion. “Engineering Department employees, 1962, Item 74240” by Seattle Municipal Archives, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • Kanye West Reminds Us He’s Running for POTUS 2020

    Kayne West, fashion designer and hiphop mover, recently interrupted his San Jose, California show to tell his audience that Trump is a Genius.

    Amid boos from his fans, Kanye spent about 20 minutes discussing the election and current events. Kanye said he supports Trump’s non-political history and his communication style. He also suggested people need to focus less on racism.

    Kanye West in Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2016. Photo by Jeffrey Thomas,
    Kanye West in Saint Paul, Minnesota, 2016. Photo (c) Jeffrey Thomas

    If you read the headlines and Twitter reactions, you’d think Kanye had joined the KKK. People think that Kanye no longer believes racism is a problem. Their cognitive dissonance is showing:

    Of course, the headline is never the true story. It’s an emotional hook — you click because you can’t believe that’s really what happened. And it’s not. (more…)