The majority of Duke’s new book revolves around managing risk and communicating our understanding of risk with others, and working to expand our understanding of a situation and the variables involved so that we have a better chance at a desired outcome.
Humans have the unique ability, so far as we know, to think abstractly about the future and make plans around those possible outcomes.
Abstract thought is a driver for human growth and ingenuity. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to plan for the future. You wouldn’t be able to tease apart cause and effect. You wouldn’t have scientific advancements and would be forever stuck in a world of superstition.
Hey there. I was just thinking — PRL readers are the best.
This past weekend I emailed about Mindset and letting Reality flow—
“Don’t force a round peg into a square hole” kinda thing (actually it was exactly that).
Anyway, one Mr. Haris P. wrote back to agree:
Mindset is everything, you are right. When I get stressed I stop and think of the Prospect Theory that has been fascinating me since I first read it some years ago. To make a long story short, we always judge situations comparing to something else (point of reference).
When I am stressful at work for example, I stop and think how is my life, what are the real things I value (family, friends and health basically). Suddenly all other issues seem unimportant and trivial. Everything has a solution (apart form health problems) so I should just carry on, find the strength and courage to face my hesitations and fears.
In a few words, I change the mindset and everything seems crystal clear.
Second off, I agree completely with Haris.
Perspective, framing, and contrast all help us to see the situation and get a handle on our emotions and mindset.
But backing up to First off… my immediate reaction was whoa. I hadn’t thought of Prospect Theory quite like that before. (more…)
Did you know the original Universities were designed as Prisons to keep unruly young men caged up while their hormones drove risky behavior that threatened the local social harmony?
Rather than allow young people to take risks that help them to grow and experience life, we continue to indoctrinate them with social rules to help keep the order.
The risks available to busy students are far less violent than what may be the alternatives.
I don’t remember everything from University. There certainly weren’t a lot of dangerous risks in the small town where I studied.
Dorm life was a party — and we could smoke indoors! A “career” after graduation seemed a lifetime away. Econ 101 taught me the benefits of Free Trade.
I loved this class! Photo “Amherst63-012” by NealeA, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
And while I learned a lot I’m sure, there is plenty that I didn’t learn.
Maybe you, too?
•We didn’t learn how to start a business in university — the mindset of an entrepreneur.
•We didn’t learn how to create and maintain a budget — the mindset of habit.
•We didn’t learn to negotiate — the mindset of persuasion.
This is the reason I’ve started — to learn what I should know to understand what moves the human mind, and to share these concepts of influence with you. (more…)
I see a lot of my friends and family scared with Trump in the Oval Office. Within a year, he went from a clown that many dismissed to the President of the United States. Among my friends, I see suffering and confusion. I hear their stories of protest and anger, fear and sadness.
Photo “women’s-march-nyc-5” by Sarah WY, Flickr CC-By-2.0
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