Tag: right vs wrong

  • How to Agree Even When You Don’t Agree

    Almost any discussion breaks down when one side stops listening to the other side.

    Which is to say, almost every discussion.

    You have points that you want to make and obviously the other side doesn’t have their facts straight. Because if they did, they wouldn’t be on the other side.

  • What is your label doing for you?

    Confirmation bias, straight ahead!

    Saint Paul, MN

    Be careful what you wish for…

    the saying goes…

    you just might get it.

    Our brains have an excellent ability to find examples in the world to confirm our theories and prove that we’re right… even about our selves.

    This is confirmation bias— the phenomenon that new information confirms what we already ‘know.’ (more…)

  • Two Wrongs Make a Right

    This morning my kids were arguing about Friday’s plans with Grandma.

    The older sister was trying to tell the younger brother Friday’s plan, and he was arguing back with his understanding of the plan.

    “No! On Friday you’re going…”


    Thing is… neither was correct!

    And that didn’t matter, because the plans are still up in the air anyways.

    On the way to school I like to discuss ideas of self-improvement with my kids. (more…)