Tag: persistence

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "001102" by my new favorite photographer Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    What you focus on assumes increased importance: Focusing Illusion. Photo “001102” by my new favorite photographer
    Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #desire #focusingillusion #reactance #enemy #choices #marketing #indoctrination #sales #motivation #socialproof #authority #Ikea #blame #mimeticconflict #status #confirmationbias


  • 10 Things You’ll Learn in “The Boron Letters” by Gary C. Halbert

    Good day PRL reader!

    I’m at the dining-room table, finishing my licorice tea and wrapping up this week’s post about an excellent book on direct-mail marketing.

    If you send email or physical mail to your clients… this book might be just what you need to increase your conversions.

    The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert and Bond Halbert. (more…)

  • The Secret Dealings for Trump Tower

    Chapter Seven of Trump’s The Art of the Deal goes into detail about the dealing required to make his famous Trump Tower possible.

    Trump built his mixed-use building by combining various deals and city regulations. "Trump Tower" by Jorge Láscar
    Trump built his mixed-use building by combining various deals and city regulations. “Trump Tower” by Jorge Láscar
