Tag: obligation

  • Universal Mind Control?

    Over the last few years, I’ve had the feeling that the Universe is Talking To Me.

    Not with words. The Universe is bigger than my language skills. And not in a tinfoil-hat kinda way.

    I've stopped ignoring the messages from the universe. Photo "Brothers in a Dangerous Trade" by Joel Penner, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    I’ve stopped ignoring the messages from the universe. Photo “Brothers in a Dangerous Trade” by Joel Penner, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    These Messages From The Universe appear as coincidences in my life. We all have them.

    Some people would miss these. Some may see the coincidences but ignore them.

    I’ve started paying attention. (more…)

  • From Bottled Water to Better Grades

    Have you ever felt obliged to do something for someone to repay her for her efforts? Maybe you sent a thank-you card to a great aunt for that fruitcake. That time when you tipped at a restaurant when grabbing takeout. Someone held a door for you and you hurried through, trying to not waste his time.

    Obligation goes beyond wanting to do something. You feel like you have to do something. This is reciprocity. You might call it tit-for-tat.

    We recently covered anchoring, setting a large opening bid to help sway a negotiation towards that anchor. Reciprocity is almost the opposite.

    Bottled Water is a cheap gift to give someone, yet the returns are great. Photo "Bottled Water Macros December 02, 20105" by Steven Depolo, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Bottled Water is a cheap gift to give someone, yet the returns are great. Photo “Bottled Water Macros December 02, 20105” by Steven Depolo, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    My father-in-law recently gave me a great example of reciprocity that he uses in his college classroom.  (more…)