Tag: Myers-Briggs

  • Business Growth with Ben Settle
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 007)

    I’m not entirely sure when I first heard about copywriter Ben Settle from  BenSettle.com. I signed up for his daily email list in July of 2018, some 10 months ago. I’ve since received over 600 emails from him.

    And I open every one.

    Ben’s emails discuss email marketing and adjusting your mindset towards success.

    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice
    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice


  • Quick notes on Myers-Briggs letter meanings

    Myers-Briggs Personality Tests take 4 traits of a personality, and puts people on one side or the other of these traits.

    Then, those 4 traits are combined into 16 different ‘personality types.’

    "Brain" by wyinoue, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Brain” by wyinoue, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
