#meditation #mindfulness #focus #filter #subconscious #sleepwalking #brain
#meditation #mindfulness #focus #filter #subconscious #sleepwalking #brain
#handwriting #pencil #memory #meditation #multitasking #fluoride #fakenews #amazon #fire
#hypnosis #meditation #mindreading #luck #love #persuasion
Mind reading, the art of knowing exactly what the other person is thinking.
It’s a dangerous sport, and one that we’re not very good at. It’s the source of many disagreements and misunderstandings. No matter, we all continue to try.
I’ve certainly tried to finish someone’s sentences and been completely wrong. Haven’t you cut in because you knew exactly what the other person was going to say? How did that work out for you? Not always very well, I would bet.
“I opened the door to see…”
“…She was in the house!?” (more…)
#rapport #confidence #conversation #science #drugs #meditation
#fbi #hollywood #nocebo #meditation #framing #mobilephone #focus