Tag: invite comparisons

  • The Secret Dealings for Trump Tower

    Chapter Seven of Trump’s The Art of the Deal goes into detail about the dealing required to make his famous Trump Tower possible.

    Trump built his mixed-use building by combining various deals and city regulations. "Trump Tower" by Jorge Láscar
    Trump built his mixed-use building by combining various deals and city regulations. “Trump Tower” by Jorge Láscar


  • Baked Beans Bring Hopkins Back (My Life in Advertising: Chapter 9)

    Do you like to barbecue? How about baked beans, do you like them?

    I like baked beans especially at a barbecue. They’re sweet, with a touch of tomato, brown sugar, and pork. They remind me of summer days and paper plates.

    But I don’t eat baked beans weekly.

    Summer barbecue in 1913. Looks refreshing, doesn't it? Photo courtesy Orange County Archives
    Summer barbecue in 1913. I don’t know if they served baked beans. Looks refreshing, doesn’t it? Photo courtesy Orange County Archives

    Apparently in the early 1900s, baked beans were all the rage. People couldn’t get enough. Baked beans were frequently homemade. They would sometimes ferment while cooking. Other times they would explode in the 16 hour cooking process. That didn’t stop anyone.
