Tag: investing

  • Here’s 150k… how do you invest it?

    Monday 1:06pm
    Saint Paul, Minn

    Hey *|FNAME|* if you had an additional $150k to spend on your business…

    How would you invest it?

    Develop new products? Go after a new market segment? Completely shift your offering? Invest in AI and become a software vendor? Train the staff? Buy out a competitor?

    That’s the hypothetical question my client’s board of directors is asking themselves right now.

    I gave my client a number of ideas for them to bounce around, not all of which are good or feasible.

    That’s OK. BAD ideas are often the seeds for GOOD ideas.

    And of course—some businesses don’t want to grow.

    Those smaller businesses are often chugging along, putting in the work and creating happy clients.

    (Even if it means they’re working looong days to do it!)

    From my point of view, business growth comes from three levers:

    • Great products that solve real problems for real people
    • Great customer service to make doing business a pleasure, and
    • Great marketing to bring in new money (from new and existing customers)

    Of course, to a hammer everything is a nail…


    Reply and tell me please: how would YOU invest $150,000 to upgrade your business?

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Image "What's Down There?" by James, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “What’s Down There?” by James, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #fear #guarantee #hypnosis #prospecttheory #sleep #failure #photography #investing #magic
