Tag: Dan Kennedy

  • The Best Direct Response Ideas… for Just 10 Bucks!

    Saint Paul

    When I spoke at a marketing conference last year, I asked if people were familiar with Dan Kennedy.

    Not a single person in my audience raised their hand.

    Which only sorta surprised me.

    Kennedy is a direct response marketer, through and through. He’s got a ton of business ideas, too–many of which go against the grain of modern business and marketing.

    That’s attractive to me.

  • 7 things you’ll learn in Dan Kennedy’s “The Ultimate Sales Letter”


    Saint Paul

    I was browsing my bookshelf the other night, looking for something to start.

    (I have more unfinished books than I have fully-read books. Not every book is worth finishing, I’ve learned… though many I plan to return to… I think…)

    Now, I noticed my slightly neglected Dan Kennedy section. Dan is a prolific and accomplished copywriter and businessman who has recently fallen ill.

    I pulled down my worn copy of The Ultimate Sales Letter and (more…)

  • Operating at the Next Level

    No B.S. — this guy has been huge.

    Saint Paul

    I broke a rule and read some email this morning.

    (usually I try to skip the email, otherwise I get pulled into a rabbit hole)

    I immediately opened a letter from PRL Podcast guest Matt Rizvi.

    And what I read… was some sad news. (more…)